Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Is Christmas Over Already?

Seems like it was just Thanksgiving and now Christmas has come and gone. We had a good Christmas in spite of the fact that Mark's mom went to the ER on 12/23 and has been in the hospital ever since with gall bladder issues. We've done a lot of running back and forth.

Like most folks, we cut back on Christmas spending this year. Mark and I still got special things for each other and I did a lot of homemade gifts to give. We had our annual Christmas Eve soiree. It was a lot of fun. This year it was pretty much all family. Our friend Cindy and her daughter stopped by for a few minutes on her way home from her parents' house.

Here's our tree. It's pretty much all non-breakable/natural material ornaments except for the lights. Mark put it up and decorated it. I think he did a great job. He also did a really good job with his wrapping this year!

Throughout the evening, the piano was the most popular spot for the kids, much to the dismay of the dogs. I'm pretty sure it hurt their ears, but they made the best of it.

Mark and his brother and sister were all pooped from doing the hospital visits. The taller boy with curly blond hair at the piano is her son.

I was glad that my cousin and uncle came. The girl and small boy at the piano are her kids. They live in Georgia and we don't see them very often. We always have fun and we should really try to get together more often.

I was sorry that the rest of the invitees couldn't make it (Michele and her boys had family obligations, my brother and his wife had other commitments, and my other uncle and aunt had all-day visitors). I'll get their goodies to them as soon as we can merge schedules. Geez, remember how simple life used to be? Where did that go?

It's just hard to believe it all came and went so quickly. Soon it will be a brand new year.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Fill 'Er Up

Not the gas tank, although the price per gallon has certainly been more tolerable - almost unbelievable. I'm talking greenhouses. It seems that as soon as there is some free space, it starts filling back up.

In a couple of weeks' time, it went from this:

to this:

...and then some.

And the dirt is still flying. It slows me down to have to clean trays as I go, but that's just the way it is. When you're the chief cook and bottle washer, you have to wash bottles as well as cook. No problem. I just keep plugging along.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Last Chattanooga Market Event for 2008

Hearye! Hearye! Come one, come all!
The Chattanooga Market's Holiday Market will be this Saturday and Sunday, December 6th & 7th. This will be the last time the market will be open in 2008. The times are:

Saturday, 12/6 from 10:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m.

Sunday, 12/7 from 12:00 Noon until 6:00 p.m.

If you haven't finished your Christmas shopping, or maybe need to pick up some stocking-stuffers or teacher's gifts, or you just need to kick-start your holiday spirit, you need to make it a point to visit the Chattanooga Market this weekend. Help local/regional artists, crafters and small businesses by leaving some of your Christmas shopping dollars in Chattanooga!