Sunday, June 30, 2013

Garden Progress

After an iffy start, the garden seems to be coming along.  This is the weeded part.  I'm ashamed to post the unweeded part!
Leading the charge are the cucumbers. Jackson Classic Pickling Cucumbers, to be exact. From the looks of things, I may be buried in cucumbers...  I already have enough for the first batch of lime pickles.  I've never had much luck with dills, but would love to give them another try.  There should be a trick to keeping them fairly crisp - that is where I have failed in the past.  If anyone knows this bit of sorcery, please share!
The squash is starting to produce just a bit.  They didn't weather the heavy rain as well as everything else.  So far the tomatoes are doing well, as is the okra.  On the tomato list there is Cherokee Purple, Super Sioux, Legend and some pre-Monsanto Big Beef (older seed).  Unfortunately, I've forgotten the variety of okra.  The beans are climbing their strings and will wrap around your leg if you stand still too long near them.  They are Gita, which is a long, slender gourmet bean with a nice nutty flavor.  And when I say long, I mean 18-20 inches long!  They are also stringless with a nice bean production.  I also planted a few 'greasy beans' for a dear friend.  Those are a first for me, so I'm not sure what to expect.
Soon I will be transplanting broccoli and cauliflower, and propagation in the greenhouse seems never-ending.  All of it keeps this Garden Girl digging in the dirt and Down To Earth!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Market Update

I will NOT be at the St. Alban's Market tomorrow (6/29/13).  I will return to the market, God willing, on Saturday, 7/6/13.  I will be at the Sewanee July 4th celebration, on (yes, you guessed it) Thursday, July 4th.  If you're up for a day trip with plenty of festivities, come visit!  The vendors will be in Shoop Park on the Sewanee campus (University of the South).  Susan Parry, glass artist extraordinaire, will also be there.
Easy to find, beautiful setting, food, festivities, parade and fireworks...what more could you ask for in a holiday celebration?