Monday, March 14, 2016

A Tale of Two Tables (really Three)

The timing is never right, but we finally got going on my new tables.  Many thanks to my 'Agricultural Engineer' (darling husband Mark) for taking on the project after working 50 hours last week.  While this shows a picture of the work in progress, here is a picture after they were both completed & posting 'No Vacancy' signs!
Over the weekend, we completed the third table & it was a bear, to say the least.  This one is a healthy 8'x8' & it dawned on us that it would not fit through the greenhouse door.  It had to be built in-place inside the greenhouse.  Since the top is build upside down, it took some finagling to get that bad boy right side up.  Needless to say, ropes & straps were involved.  In retrospect, I should have gotten 2 smaller tables...  Here we have it completed, then receiving guests.

The expanded metal top came in 2-4'x8' pieces that meet on top of the middle support.  We noticed that once trays of plants were placed, it started sagging off of that middle support.  The supplier has been contacted for direction on how to deal with that problem.  Plants are pretty heavy after they've been watered, so I don't really want to be crawling under the table to retrieve plants if the mesh sags far enough for a catastrophe.  I hope something can be worked out because we REALLY don't want to have to take it apart.  
Just another delightful challenge!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

The Dark Side of Companion Planting

I posted a chart a while back about the benefits of companion planting.  Now let's take a look at the flip side of that coin.

There are some herbs/plants that do not play so well with others.  Some plants engage in a sort of chemical warfare with other plants.  The general term for this is alleopathy.  It's the releasing of chemicals by one plant that inhibits or detrimentally affects the condition of some plants around it.  Seems plants are more like humans than we thought!

Here is a list of some of the bully plants & the ones they like to pick on:

Plant Bully
Black Walnut
Most Vegetables, Azaleas, Rhododendrons, Blackberries, Lilacs, Peonies, & Apple trees
Beans & Peas
Carrot, Tomato, & Fennel
Beans & Peppers
Beans & Peas
Beans, Peas, & Sage
Basil, Cabbage, & Sage
Most Vegetables

Perhaps this will explain some of your mysterious failures!

Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Don't Jump the Gun!

With the gorgeous weather we're having, it's only natural to want to start digging holes & planting.  Not so fast...

Hamilton County is in USDA Zone 7a.  If you don't believe me, check here:

The last frost date is not quite that simple.  The greater Chattanooga area, including north to Middle Valley but excluding the mountains, can still have the potential for frost as late as April 10th.  Mountains & outlying areas have the potential for frost as late as April 20th.  View the map here:
TN Last Frost Dates

Gardening includes a touch of Russian roulette.  Plant too soon & you take the risk of having damaged plants or losing them completely.  Spring fever is an overwhelming sickness!  It makes seasoned gardeners lose their better judgement.  What to do??

It's a gamble, but watch your weather forecasts & try to make your best educated guess.  If you go ahead with your planting, be prepared to protect your investment by covering the plants if the temperatures drop.  Any lightweight material will work.  Be careful with plastic, though, as it can create a sauna effect when the sun comes out.  That can cook your plant goose, so to speak.  There are more online resources that can help you, but always be sure to get information that is pertinent to our area for best results.
In the meantime, prepare your beds or containers, get your tools ready, & plan what to plant & where.

Down To Earth will have plants available beginning April 1st (no fooling!).  My website is on the horizon, but until then you can email me at:
I can provide you with a list of what I will have & when.  You can also find me at the Hamilton County Master Gardener's Expo at Camp Jordan in East Ridge, TN on April 9th & 10th.  Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, March 01, 2016

Growing Along...

In spite of all the rainy, dreary days, things are growing along in the greenhouses.  I guess the couple of days of sunshine here & there were better than none at all.  Even so, it would be nice to have a 4 or 5 day stretch (or more) of uninterrupted sunshine.

This Down To Earth Garden Girl has her fingers crossed...