Over the weekend, we completed the third table & it was a bear, to say the least. This one is a healthy 8'x8' & it dawned on us that it would not fit through the greenhouse door. It had to be built in-place inside the greenhouse. Since the top is build upside down, it took some finagling to get that bad boy right side up. Needless to say, ropes & straps were involved. In retrospect, I should have gotten 2 smaller tables... Here we have it completed, then receiving guests.
The expanded metal top came in 2-4'x8' pieces that meet on top of the middle support. We noticed that once trays of plants were placed, it started sagging off of that middle support. The supplier has been contacted for direction on how to deal with that problem. Plants are pretty heavy after they've been watered, so I don't really want to be crawling under the table to retrieve plants if the mesh sags far enough for a catastrophe. I hope something can be worked out because we REALLY don't want to have to take it apart.
Just another delightful challenge!