Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Ready to Grow!

We've had soooo much rain!  I was beginning to worry about being able to till the garden spot.  Although the soil has been amended, it can still hold plenty of moisture for a very long time.  While this is good for growing, it's not so good when it's time to till.  I checked a couple of spots with a shovel late Saturday afternoon and, unbelievably, it was a go!  Grabbing a rake to go along with the shovel, I raced to clear leftover debris while Mark fired up the John Deere.  Just as it began to rain AGAIN, the first turn of the garden spot was done.  That's what I call teamwork!

Mark finishing the tilling on the old John Deere

I had used newspaper and mulch to suppress weed growth between the rows.  It now serves its second purpose of continuing to contribute to the amendment of the soil.  Prior to planting we will likely add a bit of sand and some compost and till that in as well.
I've already started plotting out what will go where.  Rotation of crop types in a garden is important.  With simple rotation, you can manage disease control, insect infestations, and soil nutrient balance.  A quick Internet search can provide all you want to know, from the simplest to the most elaborate plan.

It seems around greenhouses and gardens, you can never have too many wheelbarrows.  Case in point, both my 'good' wheelbarrows were full and I had to grab an old one that belonged to my Dad.  I'm really not sure how old this one was, but it soon showed its age...and croaked...right in the middle of a relatively light task. 

Needless to say, that puppy won't roll!  We haven't decided yet if we will try to resurrect it or just use it as a planter of sorts.  It has seen plenty of action over many years and even has a piece of sheet metal in the bottom from a previous repair.  Perhaps it's just time to give it a place of honor and let it literally 'push up daisies'!

More exciting things to come...Stay 'Down To Earth'!

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