Thursday, November 06, 2008

Return From Paradise

In my mind, Callaway Gardens = Paradise. I've often said that I would like to take a busload of atheists to Callaway and then have them tell me there is no God. The most elaborate cathedral of the wealthiest congregation cannot hold a candle to the magnificence of God's creation.
The weather was nothing short of perfect - not too hot, not too cold, clear skies, cool breezes. We went a week later than usual. Unfortunately, a lot of the gardens were in transition. Even so, I still managed to get some pretty good pics.

Plus had some critter sightings, which is always a good thing. I saw the fattest chipmunks I have ever seen. No pics of them, though. They are quick to dive into a hole. There was a gray squirrel really pissed that I was walking down 'his' path. He barked at me from a branch directly over my head. I laughed out loud, thinking of the scene that would ensue if he decided to pounce upon my head!

Before we left, I got some great pics of fox squirrels. Usually they are very reclusive. I don't know what has happened, but these guys (or gals or both) almost hammed for the camera. I was within 10-15 feet of them and they didn't even offer to run away. Just too cool!!

I don't think I've ever seen so few people there. Indicative of the economy/gas prices, I'm sure. However, that did make it nice and quiet & we got a much needed break from daily life. Now we'll be looking forward to going again.

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