Monday, April 22, 2013

Master Your Garden Expo was GREAT!

Thanks to everyone who came out to the Hamilton County Master Gardener's Expo this past weekend!  Once again, the weekend was so much more than I ever expected.  It was nice to reconnect with those I hadn't seen in a while as well as meet new friends.
Major kudos to Sue Henley and Patsy Boles for their efforts in pulling it all together - they did a fantastic job!  If there were any glitches in the execution of the event, they certainly didn't show.                                                  
 I hurriedly took this picture before customers arrived.  The booths were 10x10, so I had to cram a lot into a small space and still leave a means of 'escape'!  This girl is way too old to be jumping tables - HA!  I was in an excellent location and had very nice booth neighbors.

I had a variety of goods for folks to choose from, and choose they did! I sold out of several things and had to replenish the plant supply for the second day of the show. It was also encouraging that my new t-shirt designs were a hit as well.  In addition, I handed out every single business card I brought!
 Even though I have been running a month and a half behind in the greenhouse, the spurts of nice weather and sunshine seemed to give the plants the boost they needed. When almost everything is from seed or cuttings, there is no way to 'rush' the process.  That is perhaps the most frustrating part of the growth process.  It's not like you can grab them by their little leaves and pull them up to the size you need.  In addition, there are always 'critters' that like to show up at the most inopportune times!  However, that is all a part of the natural process, particularly if you try to grow sustainably/organically.  As my Dad would have said, "the bugs have to eat, too."  I just try to make sure I deal with them so you don't have to!
Now it's time for rest to prepare for another day of work.  I am feeling very blessed indeed and am looking forward to creating more products, growing more plants and participating in more opportunities.
Until next time, stay Down To Earth!

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