Saturday, August 30, 2008

Goodies From The Garden

Even though the garden had a late start, we are reaping the rewards. I absolutely love picking the garden goodies. Here is part of a recent haul:
I have frozen 12-15 quarts of Enterprise hybrid squash, a few quarts of Taxi yellow tomatoes and a quart or 2 of Starship patty pan squash. I am in the process of canning the combo of Blue Lake and Kentucky Blue green beans. The Soleil wax beans are still growing and maturing.
The Celebrity tomato bushes are loaded, as are the Health Kicks and Big Beef. As soon as the Celebs mature, the canning of tomatoes, sauce and juice will begin.
In spite of the ever-present weed population, it is a satisfying feeling to walk into the garden. It was so hot when the seedlings were planted, I wasn't sure we would get much of anything in the way of a harvest. Now that the veggies are coming in, I'm hoping that the 'season' doesn't run out on us before everything is done!

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