After the Fall of 2013 and Winter/Spring of 2014, I had to ask myself that question. Beset with a couple of health issues, then losing power in the greenhouses during our last snowstorm, I found myself woefully behind on many things. But while I might have been down, I was definitely not out - at least not yet!
So with the determination and perseverance my Father taught me, plus the faith in God that sustains me, I moved and continue to move forward. I managed to get more cuttings done and more seeds started. Thanks to heat mats and blessings I have been potting seedlings for the past month. Here's proof that I wasn't slacking. There were seed trays lined up for 30 feet down one side of the greenhouse.

These pictures are from mid-March. Things are coming along nicely, with a few exceptions. This seems to be one of those years when all the difficult seeds germinate and the run-of-the-mill seeds decide to be challenging. This is the first season I have started with no dill or curled parsley because the seeds just sat there...and sat there, while the wormwood, milkweed, pleurisy root and other persnickety seeds popped through the soil like they were on steroids! Go figure... Those are the joys and frustrations of growing useful weeds. Through the sanity and some insanity, it keeps us Down To Earth.
Note: April 5th I will be at the St. Alban's Market with teas, seasoning, bath brews & salts, note cards & Garden Girl T-shirts.
More to come!
Nicely done! Your dad would be proud.
Thanks!! I'd like to think so. If he was still with us, I'm sure I'd have to fight him for greenhouse space...
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